Comic Shops, Bookstores, Flea Markets and More...
Chester Cuthbert (1951 - 1954)
Cyril Holmes (1954 - 1966)
ADDRESS: 548 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba
1920 - Originally opened in 1920 at 544 Ellice, selling used records and gramaphones and doing repairs.
1927 - Adverstising shows radio battery charging and replacements as well as gramaphone repairs.
1929 - started advertising books alongside the records and gramaphone repairs.
1929 - started advertising "back number magazines alongside the records and gramaphone repairs.
1935 - 1947 exclusively advertising buying and selling Used School Books and Magazines.
1949 - Pocket book exchange, books and magazines.
Chester Cuthbert (1951 - 1954) Opened Winnipeg's first Fantasy and Science Fiction Library, selling and renting from the Better 'Ole Bookshop (WFP 1978.09.08 Article)
Cyril Holmes obituary (1973) states he was owner operator from 1954 - 1966.
Information Credit on Cyril Holmes: Jim Fryza (Thanks Jim!)
Image Credit: Winnipeg Free Press, 1957.08.17
Image Credit: Winnipeg Free Press, 1951.03.17
Image Credit: Winnipeg Free Press, 1946.09.12
Image Credit: Winnipeg Free Press, 1920.12.09
Image Credit: Winnipeg Free Press, 1978.09.06
The building today!
Photo Credit: Google Street View
Updated: 2020.06.19